Steve Turner
I grew up on our farm, and during my youth, my grandparents raised horned Herefords, while my parents kept 1,000 egg laying hens. We also raised Aberdeen Angus and row cropped about 800 acres during the 1960’s.
Upon graduation from Lexington High School in 1973, I attended Jackson State Community College and Tennessee Tech, majoring in business and engineering. After college, I worked in warehousing, distribution, and logistics.
As I am now retired, we are updating our farm and returning to the life in which I grew up. We often joke that we are now homesteading on the grid.
Sheila Turner
I was born a city kid, but spent every summer at my grandfather’s farm in Tipton County. Cotton was big at that time. Thankfully, being a child, I never had to pick it, but he had horses, goats, chickens, and pigs. They grew everything they needed. Grocery day consisted of flour, cornmeal, coffee, and sugar.
After graduating high school, I entered college and became a Registered Nurse. I was an ICU and a traveling nurse, which gave me a lot of experience and adventures. In 1992, I took a brief hiatus from nursing and became a sign language interpreter. I retired in 2008.
I met the love of my life in 2017 and we married in 2019. He was a rancher and a farmer, and shortly we began talking about his retirement. With the support of family, the concept of a reborn Diamond T Farms was born. I had come full circle, back to animals and growing our own food. Our retirement has become a business that we both truly enjoy doing!